Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HTC Touch2 – An Affordable Luxury

HTC Touch II

HTC Touch2 is a typical HTC mobile phone. It brings along all the goodness of the company’s goodwill but in a low-priced range.

 The phone works on Windows Mobile platform and the device adds style in your personality.

  • The HTC Touch2 is a good looking mobile phone that comes with an alluring TFT LCD touch screen that displays 65K colors at 240 x 320 pixels resolution. Overall the phone is only of 110 grams and comes with 104 x 55 x 12.9 mm dimensions.
  • The smartphone comes with the company’s TouchFLO interface and delivers fast access to a wide range of information or applications. Moreover, the phone also comes with support for popular services including Google Maps for Mobile, YouTube and several others.
  • The HTC Touch2 is loaded with a captivating 3.2 mega pixel camera that works really good as it gets easy assistance from few attractive attributes including fixed focus and numerous camera settings.
  • Media playback facilities are truly mind-blowing as the gadget supports MPEG4, WMV, ASF, 3GP,3G2, M4V & AVI video files and MP3, MIDI, AMR, WAV, AAC+, eAAC & WMA music files.
  • The HTC Touch2 has got a Qualcomm Processor that works smartly on Windows Mobile6.5 operating system thus supports Microsoft Exchange email synchronization system that lets you access a number of email accounts at a time from the phone itself.
  • The GPS navigation system will be flawless as it gets help from the presented A-GPS function.
  • Other goodies that the HTC Touch2 will bring along include a re-designed Internet Explorer Mobile with support for Adobe Flash and a zoom bar to enhance the usage. Apart from that a regular HTML browser is also included.
  • Data sharing and connectivity will be simple and effortless with the phone as it supports 3G HSDPA, HSCSD, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP, Micro USB, GPRS and EDGE technologies for the purpose.
  • The HTC Touch2 comes with 256 MB of RAM & 512 MB of ROM plus there is also a MicroSD card slot available powering you to spread out the storage capacity.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Johan Huss testar HTC Touch 2 – ny Windows phone

I några veckor har min kollega Johan sprungit runt med HTCs nya Touch2 och vägrat släppa den ifrån sig så att jag kan få testa den. Enda sättet att få upp mer inside information om just Touch2 var att be Johan själv att skriva vad han tycker.

Så här skriver han – mycket nöje!

Det första jag slås av är hur rätt den här telefonen känns i handen, lagom tyngd och utmärkta proportioner – precis lagom stor. Ytterskalet är lite mjukt, skönt att hålla i.

Ovansidan är helt slät, de 5 knapparna sticker inte upp något så telefonen fastar inte i fickan men det är ändå inga problem att känna knapparna så jag slipper titta efter dem. På det hela taget känns hela telefonen väldigt solid.

Den har ingen startknapp, istället håller man ner ”lur på” någon sekund för att starta. Väl igång så upptäcker jag att trots att telefonen är ganska liten fungerar det alldeles utmärkt att använda fingrarna för att navigera med hjälp av pekskärmen.

Med ett vänligt men bestämt handlag flyter navigationen genom användargränssnittet väldigt bra, uppstart av, eller växling mellan applikationer sker utan fördröjning.

Jag väljer att växla från HTCs TouchFLO gränssnitt till den nya ”Windows standard” designen i 6.5 för att få en konsistent upplevelse.

En av de få nackdelarna jag kan finna med den rena designen med få hårdvaruknappar är att det inte finns någon direktlänk till kameran, en fungerande alternativ är att lägga kameraapplikationen högt upp i start menyn så den är enkel att nå.

Kameran i sig är grymt snabb, en av de få mobilkameror jag använt där motivet inte hinner röra sig utanför bild innan bilden är tagen, bidragande orsak är förmodligen avsaknad av aotofokus, men fullt godkända bilder för en mobilkamera.

Snabbheten i Touch2 i kombination med nya Internet Explorer bidrar till en mycket bra mobil surfupplevelse, en smart detalj är även hårdvarukontrollen för zoom under bildskärmen. Jag kan zooma in/ut med tummen och hålla i telefonen med samma hand, klart överlägset 2-handsfattning som krävs av en del andra telefoner.

Jag hade vissa farhågor att det skulle vara svårt att skriva med den relativt lilla (2.8’’) skärmen, men HTCs lösning fungerar riktgt bra, tangenterna är tillräckligt stora och XT9 funktionen gör ett bra jobb om man råkar stava fel. Den subtila vibrationen när en tangent trycks ner hjälper även till, denna är dock inte helt ljudlös vilket jag upptäckte vid sen natts textande.

Menyerna är tillräckligt stora för att trycka på med tummen, Touch2 har en bra funktion för notifieringar, om jag trycker på statusfältet (överst) öppnas en sida där jag enkelt kan trycka på den notifering jag vill titta på, eller välja att stänga dem.


HTC Touch 2 är en riktigt trevlig bekantskap. Den är snabb, ser bra ut och har en hel massa smarta funktioner. Men det briljanta är hur enkelhet och funktion kombineras till ett riktigt lyckat resultat.

Jag ser inga direkta svagheter, visst finns det telefoner med högre specad hårdvara och mer avancerade funktioner, men detta innebär ofta ett högt pris, tveksam prestanda och komplicerad att använda.

Touch 2 är en pekskärmsmobil som alla kan använda.


Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Windows phone, HTC

Saturday, September 26, 2009

HTC Hero Upgrade Delayed On T-Mobile

We love the HTC Hero and its swish take on Android, but one of the big problems it suffered from was the lag when it came to switching between screens and apps. HTC’s recent ROM update goes along way to dealing with those woes, but there’s a snag: if you’ve got a T-Mobile branded HTC Hero, the G2 Touch, you can’t get it yet. Read on to scope the ins and outs of what’s going on.

Anyone with a regular HTC Hero can head on over to the Taiwanese phone maker’s site and download the new ROM, but owners of branded Heros like the G2 Touch are being left out in the cold. The reason? T-Mobile is testing the update before rolling it out, and it’s not yet said how long it will take.

Click Here To Read The Full News @ ElectricPig

Friday, September 25, 2009

How can I connect my laptop to the internet via GPRS on my mobile phone (windows mobile 6.0)?

I've HTC 3300 mobile phone. I can connetc to the Internet with GPRS on my mobile phone. But I want to connetc my laptop to my mobile phone for using the Internet via my mobile phone. What should I do?
It's called tethering. The exact procedure will vary by phone and OS on your computer But google based you model and tethering.

Some providers will sniff this our and block or want ot charge you more..

Good luck Source(s):

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Should i get an unlocked htc hero (EU) version and put my AT&T sim card in it?

I've been thinking about getting an unlocked htc hero and putting my at&t sim card in it. I have heard though that the EDGE speeds aren't that fast since that is all you can use with the phone. Are the EDGE speeds really not that good? Or are they good enough to still consider getting the phone?
The EU Hero, should run on 3G as well as EDGE networks. There is a speed difference, but it's not massive. In theory, it's 236kbps for EDGE vs 384kbps for 3G but obviously that depends on your location, signal and operator. Source(s):

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What The Peep Is Happening?

Peep – the Twitter Application by HTC was running smoothly since I got the phone on Saturday. This morning, weird shit started happening with my HTC Hero. The weather widget kept showing a moon with clouds despite it being 1pm in the afternoon and Peep kept crashing on me whenever I do a refresh for new Twitter messages. Did a quick search on Android forums and seems like its a global thing. Is this HTC’s doing or maybe the ROM got screwed? Gonna give it a day or two before deciding if I should roll back to the original Malaysian ROM. Tapping fingers while waiting ….

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HTC Image Shift

We have mentioned it before but it seems to have come to press again.  HTC, whom you can’t failed to have heard of are trying to reinvent themselves through a shift in product design and marketing focus.

“HTC are trying to make their designs more "people-centric," according Claude Zellweger, a partner at One & Co (HTC owned consultancy firm).

The intention is to make general consumers more aware of the brand and make interactivity with devices more fun and interesting.

This shift in model has begun through their range of Google handsets, most specifically the HTC Hero, which comes in an array of colours.

So what more can we expect from HTC.  It is difficult to predict but the new HTC Tattoo and Touch2 shows more signs of individualism.

Zellweger said“We’re not scared to go places people haven’t gone yet.” Sounds interesting?!

We will bring you more information on the HTC image transition as and when we hear more.


Podcast: Talking with Matt #15

It’s time for another podcast (24 min) with Matthew Bennett:
- Audio version
- Video version

This week is full of goodness!

First, we discussed the Nokia N900, the Nokia X6, my Burning Man pictures (taken with the Samsung Memoir and the Nokia N97), the Nokia N97 mini, the Motorola CLIQ, and the HTC Hero (CDMA version)…

Then, check out my rant about the Nokia 7705 (Twist), and the (WiFi-less) Palm Pixi

Click here to subscribe to this podcast.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Help needed with phone change process in T-Mobile..?

I've switched to t-mobile about 3-4 months ago and i had bought the dash 3g. However, a new phone (htc touch pro 2) just came on the market for $350 with the contract. I want to switch to that phone. If I went to my neighborhood t-mobile store, would they let me buy the phone for $350 or would I have to pay extra since i'm already a customer for 3-4 months? Thank you so much for the help. =]
You would have to pay what is commonly called an "early upgrade" It will give you a discount, but it will not be $350 price tag. I would imagine it to be around $470, possibly more. Source(s): T-Mobile Cust Care Rep - 4 years

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Which phone is better?

The Samsung Rogue
The HTC Touch Pro2
get the rogue
if u get the htc touch pro2 u will have some problems
type it in at the verion website n read the reviews (there not good) u will be better off with the new rogue
good luck!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

HTC Touch Phone- Help! I messed up my camera!!?

I have NO idea how I did it, but I've screwed up the photo options! When I take pics, they are only thumbnail-sized. Even when I upload them to my PC, they stay thumbnail-sized. How do I get it back to where I can take full-sized pics??? I can't even seem to find the solution in my user manual. All help appreciated!
Open the camera. Look at the lower center. Tap the up pointing arrow. When the menu pops up, select the resolution you want. Try M or L to start.
Hope that helps.

Friday, September 18, 2009

HTC Tattoo: Android 1.6 (Donut) personalizable

HTC ya ha presentado oficialmente en España HTC Tattoo, el “cuarto” terminal Android de HTC. Y ponemos lo de cuatro entre comillas porque precísamente ellos mismos divulgan que en los dos primeros lanzamientos (HTC Dream y HTC Magic, distribuidos por Movistar y Vodafone en exclusiva, respectivamente), ellos actuaban como meros acompañantes, aunque lógicamente sí desarrollaron el terminal. Fue con HTC Hero, terminal que lanzaron en exclusiva con Orange a principios de verano, cuando HTC comenzó realmente a manejar la situación.

Ahora, con el lanzamiento de HTC Tattoo, la compañía se afianza en primera línea, tanto en el desarrollo de productos Android (nadie tiene tanta experiencia acumulada en tan poco tiempo) como en el de interfaces (recordemos que HTC también fue el primero en desarrollar una interfaz específica para Android, HTC Sense).

Lógicamente, HTC Tattoo también incorpora toda esta experiencia, aunque en dósis más concentradas. No en vano es, como los propios portavoces de HTC lo han denominado durante la presentación, el benjamín de la familia.

Entre las curiosidades del producto a mí me ha llamado la atención, por un lado, la posibilidad de personalizar la carcasa con distintos diseños propuestos por HTC (o los tuyos propios, con un coste adicional), y por el otro el hecho de que contará (cuando esté disponible, claro está), con la nueva versión del sistema operativo de Google, Android 1.6, conocido en la escena como Donut.

De acuerdo con la información del fabricante, HTC Tattoo saldrá a un precio de 349 euros (libre), a falta de llegar a un acuerdo con uno o más operadores (ahora están en busca de la mejor opción).

En cuanto a las principales características de HTC Tattoo:

  • Procesador: Qualcomm MSM7225 (528 MHz)
  • ROM: 512 MB, RAM: 256 MB, ranura MicroSD
  • Pantalla: 2,8 pulgadas (240 x 320 puntos por pulgada)
  • Dimensiones y peso: 10,6 x 5,5 x 1,4 centímetros y 113 gramos
  • Cámara: 3,2 Megapíxeles
  • Conectividad: Bluetooth 2.0, GPS, WiFi (802.11 b/g)
  • Otras: Acelerómetro, Brújula digital, Radio FM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HTC Leo, 4,3 pulgadas y procesador a 1 GHz

HTC continúa su escalada en el ranking de rendimiento del mercado. Ahora se desmarca con HTC Leo, un dispositivo que destaca pos sus espectaculares especificaciones técnicas.

En primer lugar destaca una pantalla táctil de 4,3 pulgadas que le hacen alcanzar los nada despreciables 800 x 480 puntos por pulgada. Además a nivel de memoria dispone de 320 MB de RAM y 512 MB de ROM, que complementa con un procesador Qualcomm MSM8250, que aporta una potencia de 1 GHz (como ocurría con Toshiba TG01). Igualmente dispondrá de una cámara de fotos a 5 megapíxeles con doble sistema de iluminación flash y navegador A-GPS. Por su parte, estará basado en la plataforma Windows Mobile 6.5 de Microsoft.

Además, por lo que hemos podido saber, HTC Leo mide 12,1 × 6,7 × 1,1 centímetros (no ha trascendido su peso), por lo que esperamos un dispositivo bastante voluminoso, muy parecido a Toshiba TG01 o a Samsung i8910HD.

Desde nuestro punto de vista, si repasamos las características (procesador a 1 GHz, pantalla de 4,3 pulgadas y doble flash) a simple vista esperamos que incluyan una batería que esté a la altura, puesto que mucho nos tememos que va a consumir bastante energía para hacer funcionar todo lo que incluye.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When will HTC hero come to canada, vancouver?


ommmmg i want this phone sooo bad..i can get it in hong kong but theres no 3g... what should i doo


it's coming out october 11th with rogers.

HTCC9 Advantage (UK, QWERTY, GPS)

HTCC9 Advantage (UK, QWERTY, GPS) Review

Truely the best PDA I have tried. Most helpful for a physcian! I have used 7 earlier PDA over last 6 years, none was so helpful.

I found its large screen ideal to review powerpoint presentations; its speaker reasonably clear(not as nokia’s, however! but better and louder than the other PDA speakers I have tried before); its huge memory very helpful; its relatively strong processor allowed easy opening of files that would have been impossible to open by any earlier PDAs even those with processor 512!

But: the first HTC/7500 I bought was malfunctioning and needed replacement; the programm applications installed outside the main memory were lost on just soft resetting; and it has no choice of turning speaker off unless an earpiece or bluetooth is used. The latter two points are obvious shortcomings but for me did not affect my satisfaction about this PDA.



Make sure you get the extra accessories you need when buying a device. Get a 1GB miniSD card, a spare stylus, a charge any where kit, a HTC M200 Bluetooth headset, a screen protector and a car mount kit for a special price when you buy this HTC Advantage (GPS-enabled) Value Pack!Up grade your HTC Advantage to Window Mobile 6 Professional for free HereFeatures:Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows Mobile 5 (Upgrade to WM6 for free)HSDPA/UMTSTri-band 2100 MHz and 850/1900 MHzGSM/GPRSQuad band 850/900/1800/1900 MHzProcessorIntel PXA270 624 MHz with ATU Graphic Chip W2284Dimentions133.5 (L) x 98 (W) x 16 (T)mm, (with keyboard- 20mm)395gMemory ROM:256 MB, RAM:128MB, HDD:8GB, MiniSD card slot Download Activesync 4.5 for Windows Mobile 5.0 or WM 6 from this link. Please note once you open your software CD a restocking fee will be charged if you return the unit.Click Here


*** Product Information Sep 15, 2009 00:00:15

Saturday, September 12, 2009

For VERIZON qwerty phones, which would you most likely choose?


-HTC pro2

- samsung rogue

- motorola rival

i wanna buy one of these =D


the rouge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every one is talking about how good it is even people with the env touch wants the rogue


Quick question about cell phones (the smartphones...) with win mobile?


can you upgrade that... so like hte current version is 6.1, can you upgrade that to 6.5, when that comes out (is it for free).... i am talking about the smartphones with windows mobile on it.... (HTC touch)... oh and another thing... like rumors say, windows 7 mobile is coming out in 2010.... will hte market be realeasing same phones with that system... or will it be phones with the old one...

in other words... suppose the blackberry runs 6.1 right now... but lets say in 2 weeks 6.5 is released... and i buy a phone 2 weeks after the release date of windows mobile 6.5.. will my phone be a 6.5, or still be 6.1


first of all the os on blackberry is 4.5 for 8100 and higher for newer models so its in the 4.5 and above.

you can either purchase a newer os or find it for free on the internet =).

you can upgrade it howmuch ever cause my freind has a blackberry and he upgraded it for free.

if you buy a phone 2 or 3 days b4 the upgrade, then more than likely it should have it. if its older than you have to find a website and upgrade it.


IF you tell me the exact details of your phone like model, and os and which version of the os then ill try to find the newset ones.