Monday, November 30, 2009
Would it be wise to E-Bank on my mobile phone?
I have just bought the new HTC Hero (G2) phone.
Which comes with Android Operating System and is connected to the net 24/7.
I was told by my operater that this phone doesn't have anti virus software nor does it need one.
I haven't a clue how safe the Android OS is, but with this info.. do you think it would be wise to internet bank on my phone ??
The Android OS was originally developed on the Linux OS base and was purchased and further developed by Google in and around 2007. Google have built in certain safeguards, including one which prevents the distribution of adult content (pornography).
I am uncertain whether this is bombproof as far as hacking is concerned, it is not so much a case of antivirus being installed- is there a firewall?? This is far more important if you are using personal info such as banking details.
From a purely personal standpoint- and I may be overcautious- I would never use a mobile phone for anything other than person to person contact with someone that I trust. I do use online services but only through a trusted firewall and with full security in place.
hope this helps. Source(s): 12 years interest in IT Security
Sunday, November 29, 2009
HTC Hero updated to 2.1
HTC promised the world an Android 2.0-based firmware for its Hero line once it figured out the nitty gritty details of porting Sense to Google’s latest code, leapfrogging Donut altogether — but now, it looks like they’re gonna do one better. Screenshots found today show a Hero running Android 2.1, which would dovetail nicely with the fact that Google had teased a “minor update” to 2.0 before the end of 2009 back when it announced Eclair last month. The interface looks largely untouched from 1.5, proof that HTC was able to bring Sense up to speed with minimum drama; it’s unclear when this’ll all be available, but considering that Sprint’s version
just got a super-minor update, some carrier-branded versions could be in for a wait.
Friday, November 27, 2009
How do I block a person's cell phone number?
Well long story short this girl keeps harassing me over text and I want to block her cell phone number. I have an HTC Touch Pro and my phone company is US Cellular. How can I block her cell phone number? Thanks!
the easist way it to save the number to your phone directory. The edit the number so that calls from that number get sent to voice mail.
Another way is to complain to your cell provider that you are receiving harrassing calls from that number, also call her cell provider too.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Disappointed Samsung
The inevitable is going to happen. I will get myself an iPhone. On one hand I want one (let’s face facts, it’s a very very good product), on the other hand I don’t want fall into the Steve Jobs reality distortion field.
I was holding out hope for the Samsung Omnia II (Omnia Icon in some markets). It sounded like the Windows Mobile to have (aside from coming preloaded with WinMo 6.1). I recently had an opportunity to play with one in a Telstra T[life] shop and I was very disappointed. Samsung’s TouchWiz UI shell didn’t impress me (in fact it just made me think I was using their low-end F480 which everyone who’s had one seems to hate). And compared to the other smartphones around it, it’s AMOLED screen didn’t look special at all. I played with it for all of 2 minutes, got depressed, and went to see what other toys I could play with in the shop.
For comparison’s sake I also played with a HTC Touch Diamond2 which seemed to be running bog-standard WinMo 6.5 (IE without HTC’s TouchFLO UI). This is the first time I’ve played with a 6.5 powered device (although I have played with it in the emulator) and even though I know that clunky old Windows Mobile lurks just under the surface, I was pleasantly surprised as to how the new welcome and start screens worked (smooth, responsive, easy). There may be some hope for WinMo 7 after all (if MS and their OEM partners can get it right).
For now it looks like I’ll lock into an iPhone for 24 months. By then WinMo 7 will be mature and maybe the Marketplace for Mobile will have (almost) as many apps as Apple’s App Store. Or maybe Android will have taken over as mobile king-of-the-hill.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Shopping in Greenock
Yep it was time again. As the weather is bad and my weekend in Liverpool has been postponed (the Christmas market down there must be fantastic!) I decided to walk into Greenock and get the latest news from the major network providers here.
Three UK offer the HTC Hero with Spotify Premium which is nice, Orange have an ok-deal for the hero as well and Vodafone are still waiting on the HTC HD2. Thought I could have a play with it. Well will have to wait then I guess.
When to and bought some timers for the house as the old ones are broken. Got some food fro M&S (I should spend less money there) and then took a taxi home as it was coming down in buckets!
Now watching The Great Escape with a nice hot pot of Chicken casserole with dumplings. Hmm yummy.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saiba como ganhar um HTC Magic
O prêmio é um HTC Magic desbloqueado com Android.
Para participar basta responder a seguinte pergunta: “O que você gostaria que um Smartphone fizesse por você?” As respostas devem ser cadastradas no site da promoção. O autor da melhor resposta ganha o aparelho e ainda terá sua idéia transformada em aplicativo, com direito á distribuição no Android Market Place.
HTC Droid Verizon Network Phone Downloadable Apps?
Do you have to pay for the apps on the HTC Droid for Verizon??
some are free some are not
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Which phone should i get? HELP!?
I currently have the LG dare and i am getting a new phone soon but i am having trouble deciding so please help. My choices are the Pink Blackberry Curve 8330, the Blackberry Storm2, or the HTC Imagio.
By the way I have verizon.
I am looking for the features of having internet, good camera, easy texting, games, & music. I really want a blackberry but the HTC Imagio looks awesome cause it has like live t.v. btw does that cost money?
I liked the pink curve cause its pink, ahah, and it has alot of cool features but the storm looks cool too cause its touchscreen and it has a better camera than curve. but i heard the storm was bad? im not sure. please help.
ok don't gee htc because it has tv on the internet it has a site to watch tv also if you like the touch screen get it you can always get a cause for the blackberry but then decided i think you should get the one with more futures if i was you i would get the storm i have the lg titanium
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What type of phone should I get?
I'd prefer not to get an iPhone or Blackberry.
Preferably not a touchscreen, but rather a slide out QWERTY keyboard with a trackball.
It should have the internet, and a camera with 5 mega-pixels or higher.
So far I'm thinking of a Hip-top LX or a HTC Dream, but it's a bit pricey, so something below the $1000 mark would be nice.
Any suggestions?
Top 10 Cell Phones are Apple IPhone 3GS $300.00, T-Moblie myTouch 3G $150.00, T-Moblie G1 $130.00, Palm Pre $150., Nokia N97 $700., Apple iPhone 3G $100., Nokia E71 $300., HTC Hero $180., RIM BlackBerry Bold $200.00
Monday, November 16, 2009
Verizon data plan htc eris?
ok so my son , husband and i are getting new phones very soon(verizon)...i was wondering what does a data plan consist of?i ask this because my son wants the new eris... does the data plan come with unlimited txt.etc?
i dont txt and my husband txts every now and then.. so we were going to get a cheap txt plan if and only if the data plan for the eris comes with unlimited txt....please guys i need some answers!!!
The data plan is for internet access. It does not include texting. It's required for the Eris Droid and cannot be shared. Source(s): former customer
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hero or Moment: Lesser of Two Evils?
As you probably know, I have been lusting over Sprint Android phones for about four months now. So why haven’t I gotten one yet? After all, the Hero’s been out since mid October, and the Moment’s been out for nearly two weeks now.
If you read my previous post, you know that there are pros and cons to each phone. However, according to various forums, including and Sprint’s own Buzz About Wireless, it looks like both devices were rushed to market, probably to compete with Verizon’s Droid. Here are some of the problems that have been discussed ad nauseum:
- Sending a text message using the built-in messaging application will prevent the device from going to sleep, thus sucking the battery dry. There are workarounds that seem to work for a few days to a week or so.
- Dust is getting under the screen within just a few days of use.
- It takes as four seconds before the phone recognizes an incoming call. Sometimes, the phone is so bogged down doing other things that it never allows you to answer the call at all.
- Bluetooth usage will incurr stackdumps that are not thrown away. This uses memory that is not kept in check and that cannot be disposed without a reset.
- If the device runs with less than a certain amount of memory, it starts throwing away text messages. Once this starts happening, the only way out is to get a new device.
- Text messages don’t always reach the device.
- The battery meter is not accurate, by a longshot.
- A-GPS is not working (This isn’t supported by Android 1.5. Seems like HTC added the feature and Samsung forgot to.)
- USB connectivity isn’t the best.
According to Sprint, a patch for the Hero is in the works, and for the Moment in talks, so we’ll see what happens in the next few weeks.
Friday, November 13, 2009
When you buy the verizon droid do you have to pay $30 for internet or can you not have it?
i was gonna get an htc or blackberry but the new ones require internet that is $30 a month and i don't want internet
Then, you can't get either phone. The data plan is REQUIRED. Source(s): former customer
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Want to buy a phone which one?
It is by brithday on sunday and i want to buy a phone i was thinking myself of the Htc hero but idk i have a budget of 350-400 euros so just answer
plus it gota be pay as you go/prepay
HTC magic =)… Source(s): my fone
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
G1 or HTC Touch Pro 2?
Recently I've posted a question regarding my sister's choices of phones. She's choosing between the HTC Touch Pro 2 and the G1 both from t-mobile. Neither of us can agree on either phones. There are the ups and downs about both phones which makes her think extra harder to which phone to get for her birthday. Pls help. WE both need specs about the pros and cons of both phones. We're trying to see which phone fits her best. give specifics about the features that she can freely use on either phones.
She likes to listen to music A LOT, shes also text a lot, browse the internet and watch videos and play games, along with taking a lot of pictures and sometimes videos. Thanks.
ok very tough question
If you have patients windows mobile is the best right now, better than iphone too
key word being patients, my touch pro 2 can do everything anything else can do plus about 100 other great things.
Of the top, best screen on the market right now hands down, as far as US availability goes
wvga 480x800 3.6 inches!!!!!!
has better keyboard than g1 and not only slides open better but also tilts, great for watching movies
has awesome software!!! and is fully customizable including the ability to look and act like an iphone if your into that kinda bland thing. Also I would imagine android can be put on a tp2 in the future as many windows mobile devices can right now.
great battery life for what it is, better than g1
opera is imo the best browser out there with a little tweaking
best speaker phone out right now
has microsoft office and outlook great for syncing to servers
6.5 will be released soon I imagine
check out the free apps on a ms based phone compared to any other phone and theres thousands of them
remote desktop is the bomb especially on a vga device
tv out option is great for watching youtube at friends houses and presentations.
spb mobile shell enough said
ok ill be basic at first
g1 battery life sucks!!!
touch pro 2 is windows mobile based
Ok I have a touch pro 2, but I have been using windows mobile for years now. It is kinda hard to set up to do exactly what you want. If shes not into computers go with the my touch unless she needs a keyboard then g1.
I would go get the tp2 and try it out for the 14 days, if you dont like it get an android phone
Saturday, November 7, 2009
HTC inizia la campagna “YOU”
Parte domani domenica 8 novembre la nuova campagna media di HTC in Italia a sostegno del nuovo posizionamento di brand “Quietly Brilliant ”. La campagna “You” sarà veicolata per due settimane attraverso diverse piattaforme televisive (tv analogica – Rai, Mediaset e La7, tv satellitare – canali sky e digitale terrestre) con la trasmissione di oltre 1800 spot nei formati 15 e 30 secondi, suddivisi in tre fasce orarie: daytime, prime time e evening.
“You” verte intorno al claim “Non hai bisogno di un telefono da capire, ma di un telefono che capisca te.” Questo concetto rappresenta la focalizzazione che HTC sta portando avanti sulle persone, sui loro bisogni e su come vivono e lavorano, in modo da creare dispositivi che si adattino perfettamente al loro stile di vita. La creatività della campagna è opera dell’agenzia di Los Angeles Deutsch LA Inc. mentre la localizzazione italiana è stata affidata alla voce del celebre doppiatore -attore Luca Ward (doppiatore in vari film tra i quali Il Gladiatore, Pulp Fiction, Matrix e protagonista di varie fiction tra cui Centovetrine ed Elisa di Rivombrosa). Gli spot, dal forte impatto emozionale, vedono protagoniste le persone comuni nelle azioni di tutti i giorni, riprese dalla soggettiva del telefono: ridono, si divertono, lavorano e condividono le loro passioni sempre in compagnia del proprio telefono. Non manca, alla fine di ogni spot, il richiamo alle uniche funzionalità dei nuovi prodotti HTC: Hero, recentemente proclamato Gadget Tecnologico dell’anno dalla rivista inglese T3 e HD2, in prossima uscita, il primo Windows Phone al mondo dotato di schermo capacitivo.
“Quietly brilliant significa fare grandi cose con umiltà, ritenendo che il meglio della vita vada vissuto, non spiegato” ha commentato John Wang, chief marketing officer, di HTC Corporation. “La campagna YOU è la personificazione di ‘’quietly brilliant’’ed è l’essenza di HTC, come azienda, come innovatore del mercato e come partner commerciale”.
“Siamo arrivati ad avere un rapporto emozionale con i nostri telefoni. Molte delle nostre esperienze quotidiane più significative passano attraverso questo dispositivo e ciò nonostante la maggior parte delle pubblicità del settore insiste sul concetto di utilità.” ha commentato Eric Hirshberg, co-CEO e chief creative officer, presso Deutsch LA. “Tutta la filosofia di produzione di HTC è assolutamente incentrata sull’individuo. HTC progetta telefoni che permettono un’esperienza assolutamente unica, per questo crediamo ci sia una forte connessione tra quello che provano le persone verso i propri telefoni e il modo in cui HTC li crea”.
HTC si è avvalsa della consulenza creativa della londinese Figtree per creare il posizionamento “quietly brilliant” per il proprio brand. Questa proposizione di marca nasce dalla cultura aziendale di HTC di porre il cliente al centro, creando prodotti rivoluzionari e fortemente innovativi. Essendo parte integrante della filosofia aziendale di HTC, il posizionamento “quietly brilliant” sarà proposto in tutte le forme di comunicazione e toccherà tutti gli aspetti principali dell’azienda.
Fonte:press HTC
Top 5 Android apps
You finally got your long awaited Android phone. It might be the new Motorola Droid, or even the HTC G1 you’ve had, it’ an Android based phone and you’ve got your selection of apps to download (10,000 and counting), but here are the absolute must have best apps for fun and productivity.
1. Twidroid
If you’re a Twitter user and used to the iPhone, the first thing you might notice is that Tweetie isn’t in the Android Market. Not to worry, though: Twidroid has your back. The Android-based Twitter app is available in a free and a pro (paid) version.
Both of Twidroid’s offerings provide most every Twitter function you might need, from the basic — viewing and sending tweets, following and unfollowing users, viewing profiles — to the more advanced: saved searches, URL shortening, photo posting, and geo-location support. The pro version adds support for multiple accounts, integration, video posting, and a handful of other options. It runs about $5.
2. Meebo for Android
Twitter? Check. Instant messaging? Check. Our second featured app will keep you connected to all of your IM accounts while you’re roaming around with your new Droid. Meebo links multiple IM protocols into a single app that you can always keep running on your phone. AIM, MSN, Yahoo, MySpace IM, Google Talk, Jabber and ICQ are all supported — and, if you create a Meebo account, you can save a collective log of all your chats that’ll be accessible online.
The Meebo for Android app is free.
3. Pandora on Android
Crank up the tunes on your new Droid immediately by installing Pandora’s Android app, available for free in the Android Market. Like its online and on-the-iPhone counterpart, the Pandora Android app lets you listen to personalized radio stations based on your favorite artists or songs. Thanks to Android’s multitasking capabilities, you’ll be able to rock out while running other apps — something the iPhone can’t handle.
4. Google Voice for Mobile
File this one under “outlawed on iPhone,” too. The official Google Voice for Mobile app fully integrates Google Voice functionality into your new Droid phone. Once installed, you can make outgoing calls from your Google Voice number with the touch of a button, right from your contacts list. You also gain easy access to voicemail and Google Voice-based SMS messaging.
The Google Voice for Mobile app is free to install and use. You do need to have an existing Google Voice account, however, for it to work.
5. KeyRing
Get rid of all those annoying membership cards with KeyRing, an Android app that puts your barcodes into your Motorola Droid. Simply scan your various cards — anything from gym memberships to drug store discount clubs — and Key Ring will categorize them into a drop-down menu.
The next time you need a card, you just pull it up on your phone — no need to actually carry the physical piece of plastic.
So there you have it: 5 Android apps to get your Android device working. There are so many more to explore, so help your fellow Androiders out and leave your recommendations below.
For more on the Droid phone, click over to “Droid Vs. iPhone: Who Will Win?”
HTC Hero – The Champion of Mobiles
HTC Hero is here to stay with personalized features that make it just perfect for everyone. With this excellently designed handset one can have the true experience of the essential elements including personalized features, connectivity options and unexpected discoveries.
Personalized Features
HTC Hero has been able to provide personalized functions which were never expected before. It has the glance view option which eliminates the need to search between different menus. It comes with loads of gizmos that are marvelously placed on home screens. The gizmos themselves can be tailored with variety of designs and wallpapers that best match the personality of mobile users.
With a variety of preloaded wall papers and themes, HTC Hero has combined the multiple features in one handset. Photos that reflect the memorable moments of life can also be customized into home screens. Other characteristic features include the options of downloading favorite music and video files, chatting with friends and the opportunity to click some of the best pictures with HTC footprints. The added benefit includes an inbuilt navigation tool that helps users while travelling to get information on local time, weather and view maps effortlessly.
Connectivity Options
With this device, mobile users can keep in touch with their loved ones by various means. To maintain contact with people, one can send and receive SMS, MMS or emails or even make phone calls and surf through Face Book accounts. This gadget has web browsing facility to facilitate users so that they can check their updates on social networks, other important documents and even share photo clips and videos with others.
Unexpected Discoveries
There are several moments in life that needs to be captured rather than explained with words of mouth. Users will notice the basic functions as unexpected discoveries with HTC Hero. The inbox will not only hold emails but documents, conversations and collection of marked notes with some extra add-ons making it easier for the customers. It makes surfing through the internet a really enjoyable experience. So, if you also wish to take the advantage of all these unexpected discoveries, opt for HTC Hero and become a style statement.
Friday, November 6, 2009
หนังมาใหม่ "Android" สงครามมือถือล้างโลก
เมื่อปี 2007 ปีที่ iPhone ออกวางขายครั้งแรก ถือเป็นว่าพลิกวงการมือถือแบบมหากาพย์ เหมือนครั้งที่Apple เข็น iPod ออกมาขายเมื่อปี 2001 วงการเพลงก็เปลี่ยนไป ครั้งนี้ก็เช่นกัน มือถือที่เคยใช้โทรๆกัน หรือการเป็น PDA ที่โทรศัพท์ได้ มันกลายเป็น “เหนือความคาดหวัง” ในแบบที่ Apple เป็น
ครั้งนั้น Partner ที่กอดคอกันกับ Apple อย่างสนิทสนมคงหนีไม่พ้น Google ที่มี App และการ Support ฝังอยู่ใน iPhone ไม่ใช่แค่ในเชิง Technical เท่านั้น แต่ยังรวมไปถึงการส่งฝ่ายบริหารของแต่ละฝ่าย เข้าไปทำงานร่วมกันในแต่ละองค์กรอีกต่างหาก… เรียกได้ว่า “หวานชื่นคืนสุข” กันสุดๆไปเลย
แต่ในปี 2007 เดียวกันนั้นแหล่ะ ในปีที่กระแส iPhone ระเบิดรุนแรง ช่วงปลายปี Google ก็ประกาศตัวเหล่าพันธมิตรเกี่ยวกับธุรกิจมือถือต่างๆอย่างออกหน้าออกตา เพื่อพัฒนา Platform สำหรับมือถือที่ชื่อว่า “Android” ถึงแม้ว่าครั้งนั้นจะยังคลุมเครือถึงทิศทางของ Google ว่าจะเอายังไงกับ Apple กันแน่? สำหรับการสร้าง Android แต่เมื่อวันเวลาผ่านไปๆ ความชัดเจนก็ยิ่งมีมากขึ้นๆ สุดท้ายแล้วการประกาศศึกก็ชัดเจน การถอนตัวของผู้บริหารแต่ละฝ่ายออกจากกัน การฟ้องร้อง ความขัดแย้ง และยังการทับซ้อนของธุรกิจก็มากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ
HTC ถือว่าเป็นผู้ผลิตมือถือPartner ของ Google เดนตายที่ก้าวไปใช้ Android ในเชิง Commercial รายแรกในตลาด Erick Tsengเป็น Product Manager สำหรับตัว Android ถึงกับกล่าวไว้ว่า ” HTC นี่แหล่ะ..เป็น สุดสอด Partner ของพวกเรา ที่โคตรจะกล้าเสี่ยงตายไปกับ Andriod จริงๆ!” อาจจะเป็นเพราะว่า HTC เองก็ไม่ค่อยมีทางเลือกสักเท่าไหร่ เพราะตั้งแต่ปี 2007 HTC เลือก Window Mobile เป็น Platform หลัก แต่ปรากฏว่า..ยอดขายกลับร่วงลงอย่างรวดเร็วในระยะ 3 ปีที่ผ่านมา รวมๆกันแล้วจากปี 2007-2009 ก็ราว 30% ทีเดียว
HTC ออกมายอมรับเองด้วยซ้ำว่า พวกเขาเจอปัญหาเกี่ยวกับ Windows Mobile “เพราะมันไม่ค่อยจะน่าตื่นตาตื่นใจอีกต่อไป.. แม้แต่ Microsoft เอง ก็รู้..” CEO ของ HTC ว่าไว้อย่างงั้น ด้วยความเดือดร้อนของ HTC เอง แผนการกระโจนเข้าสู่ Android จึงเป็นเรื่องเร่งด่วนไปด้วย “เอาวะ..ตายเป็นตาย” ( พี่แกคงคิดงั้นนะ 55)
การก้าวกระโจนสู่ Android ของ HTC เป็นผลอย่างรวดเร็ว ไม่ว่าจะเป็น G1 , Magic , Hero ก็ทยอยกันออกมากู้วิกฤต จนยอดขายของ HTC กลับมาได้ ตั้งแต่ปี 2008-2009 HTC มีการเติบโตของ Android ถึง 16% และคาดว่าจะไปถึง 39% ในปีหน้า
ถ้าถามว่าอนาคต Android จะเป็นยังไง? หลายๆสำนักก็คาดหวังว่ามันจะเป็นศัตรูที่น่ากลัวที่สุดของตลาด Smartphone เพราะมันเป็นวิญญาณที่พร้อมไปสิงสถิตที่ใครก็ได้ อาจจะเหมือนวันที่ Microsoft วิ่งเข้าสู่ตลาด IT ในยุค 70s’ แข่งกับ Apple ด้วยการเน้นไปที่ Software ที่สิงสถิตกับ Hardware หรือ..เปรียบกับ Terminator คนเหล็ก ก็ต้องเป็น หุ่น T-1000 ที่ไหลไปเป็นอะไรก็ได้ สะดวกว่า ใหม่กว่า ยืดหยุ่นกว่า ไม่ยึดติดกับราคาและอื่นๆจนเกินไปเหมือน iPhone แต่.. นั่นก็อาจจะยังสู้ความอึดและเท่ห์ของ คนเหล็กอาร์โนล อย่าง iPhone ไม่ได้ ก็เป็นได้นะ.. อันนี้ต้องรอดูต่อไปในอนาคต
ตั้งแต่ Q4 ปี 09 ไม่ว่าจะเป็น Motorola Cliq , Motorola DROID , LG GW620 และ Sony XPERIA X10 คือทหารเอก Generation ต่อมาจาก HTC เดนตาย ที่คาดว่าจะทำให้ Android ก้าวกระโดดอย่างเห็นได้ชัด รอดูกันต่อไปว่า อะไรจะเกิดขึ้นในปีหน้า!! หนุกหนานๆนะ หนังเรื่องนี้.. 555
Thursday, November 5, 2009
HTC e o TouchFLO
Depois do sucesso da interface Sense UI da HTC no HTC Hero, a empresa já está planejando como será o futuro do seu sistema com o Android. Aparentemente, a companhia trabalha atualmente com uma nova interface chamada “Virtual Book”.
Considerada mais intuitiva do que a atual TouchFLO/Manilla, a nova interface já foi pantetiada. Sabemos quea HTC não costuma errar nesse quesito, e o grande sucesso de parte de seus celulares se deve justamente as modificações feitas no Android e Windows Mobile para seus aparelhos.
Você pode conferir a patente na íntegra aqui.
The GSM on Telus Roundup
Telus has launched the GSM network, and their naming it the 3G+ network. They god new phones, as well as new, great plans.
HTC Hero (On Telus Website)
The HTC Hero is running Android, but with the HTC Sense UI on top of it, that allows for more than a dozen of widgets, and 7 home screens. It has a 5 MP camera with video capture, bluetooth, a microSD slot, and a gorgeous 3.2 inch capacitive touch display. On the Telus website, it says that theres no WiFi, but the phone specifications on the HTC website clearly state that it has 802.11b/g WiFi. The phone comes in black (a little more like brown) or white. It’ll cost you 99.99 on a 3-year contract, but 399.99 on a 2-year, and 49.99 off-contract. That’s exactly what I didn’t want them too do.
BlackBerry Bold2 (9700) (On Telus Website)
The Bold2 is a newer version of the chubby, older Blackberry Bold; it has a nice, curve-like body, but still keeps the leather back which I’ve grown to love (my best friend has the original Bold). It comes loaded with a 3.2 MP camera with video capture and flash, bluetooth, BlackBerry OS 5.0, micro-SD slot, and WiFi. But it’ll cost you, 249.99 on a 3-year contract (20 more than Bell’s pricing), and 649.99 off contract.
Nokia E71 (On Telus Website)
Telus also decided to get the E71 into its line. Its a great smartphone, and has video calling. It has bluetooth, WiFi, a facebook application, a 3.2 MP Camera with flash and auto focus, plus a VGA camera for video calling (which is new). It’ll cost you only 29.99 on a 3-year contract, and 329 off-contract and comes in black and red.
“New” LG Chocolate (On Telus Website)
This version of the chocolate comes with a great 4″ capacitive touch widescreen display (when in landscape mode) and Dolby mobile sound. It comes with WiFi, Bluetooth, a microSD slot, and a 5MP camera. It runs a “S-Class” Touch UI with 4 home-screens. Telus is pricing this one as a smartphone, 99.99 on a 3-year contract, and 499.99 off-contract.
iPhone (On Telus Website)
The iPhone 3GS is available, incorporating iPhone OS 3.1, a 3.2MP camera with video capture, GPS with a digital compass, Bluetooth, and the App Store. It’s available starting at 199.95 for 16 GB, and 299.95 for 32 GB. The iPhone 3G is also available for 99.99, for 8Gb but no compass or video capture. The 3GS comes in black or white, and 3G in black. Theres nothing on the website about off-contract pricing, but that should be changed soon.
New Plans
Telus also released new plans. They call them Clear Choice plans. They have Smartphone plans for individuals and for shared users, which start at 50$ for 100+5 bonus minutes, Unlimited Local talk and text with 5 numbers or double minutes, or 100 outgoing texts. It also comes with 500 MB of data, Voicemail 3, and more. It could be upgraded more for more minutes, data, and better choices. The iPhone plans also have sharing or individual versions. The pricing’s all the same as the smartphone plans though. The dumb phone plans also come in individual and shared versions, starting (individual) at 30$ for 100 minutes+50 bonus, Unlimited Local talk and text with 5 numbers, or double minutes, or 100 outgoing texts, voicemail 3, and more. The mobile high-speed plans start at 30$ for 500 MB, and go all the way to 85$ for 5 GB.
In addition to all these great phones and plans, Telus also has a new Internet Key that works on HSPA+, and you could also buy a sim card to use an unlocked phone.
esRadio supera sus previsiones iniciales de audiencia
esRadio en el iPhone
Lo apunta El Confidencial Digital. En esRadio están de enhorabuena. La emisora liderada por Federico Jiménez Losantos, según una encuesta interna, contaría con más de 200.000 oyentes sólo en Madrid. A pesar de las dudas que suscita el proyecto, en tanto que aún son pocos los postes repetidores con los que cuenta para hacer llegar su señal a todo el territorio nacional, lo cierto es que hay un factor que ya comentamos en Acceso Restringido que puede hacer diferente la evolución de esRadio: la sinergia y fuerte aprovechamiento de Internet y la presencia en Veo7.
El perfil del oyente de esRadio es una incógnita. Y es que un caladero importante de oyentes está en, el portal informativo del grupo que cuenta con más de 2 millones de usuarios únicos en la red. Sin duda, el equipo de Jiménez Losantos está sabiendo aprovechar esa plataforma, también la de Libertad Digital TV, para extender el eco de la emisora.
Federico vuelve a disparar la audiencia de Veo7: del 0,5% al 2,6% de share
A una parrilla muy completa y ya con diversidad temática, incluido el recién incorporado equipo de deportes capitaneado por Pedro Pablo Parrado, se suma la reciente incorporación a las mañanas de Veo7, la televisión digital terrestre del grupo Unidad Editorial. Ya lo augurábamos en Acceso Restringido, cuando adelantamos que Jiménez Losantos volvería a Veo7. La audiencia, según publica El Confidencial Digital, se ha disparado y Pedro J. está muy contento. Del 0,5% de share se ha pasado al 2,6%. Todo un éxito, considerando que Federico ocupa una franja complicada: de 8 a 10 de la mañana. ¿Aún no han pensado en llevárselo al “prime time”? El experimento, quién sabe, podría llegar a ser un éxito masivo.
Internet, punta de lanza del proyecto
Lo hemos dicho hasta la saciedad. El fenómeno de esRadio es Internet está por ver qué efecto tiene en la medición de audiencias. No sólo es el fuerte apoyo de esRadio en Libertad Digital web y TV, sino el extraordinario aprovechamiento de dispositivos como el iPhone o de cualquier otro terminal móvil que permite la descarga de podcast o seguir las emisiones en directo de la emisora. Porque cualquier terminal que soporte radio en streaming, puede recibir la señal de esRadio. iPhone y HTC, dos de los dispositivos avanzados más vendidos, soportan esta tecnología y permiten seguir las emisiones de esRadio.
No es trivial ni insignificante que Federico, César y Luis lideren las descargas en los podcast de iTunes, por delante de los de Cadena SER, Onda Cero o COPE. Es un fenómeno creciente, cuyo plan de negocio vemos perfectamente viable, y que sólo necesitará recorrido suficiente para hacer masa crítica. En poco tiempo, en tiempo récord, ya está consiguiendo hitos muy significativos.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Campanha publicitária HTC "YOU" - HTC YOU campaign
Nova campanha publicitária da HTC para TV e mídia impressa. Com muito gosto os problemas do dia a dia são como um reflexo emocional transformado em um tipo de “poesia comercial” do cotidiano. A Fubiz flagrou e deixou a dica. Aqui temos o primeiro comercial que muito interessante, é a visão do telefone acompanhando “VOCÊ” que quer esquecer, lembrar, desestressar, e tudo mais que passamos junto ao nosso tão necessário aparelho. Curta abaixo.
Ad critique 2
HTC: You Are Different from You – YAY
Two things have recently become unbearable: ads reminding us of the economic recession and ads overemphasizing individualism. Yes, we enjoy being individuals. After all, that’s what it means to be an American. But while advertising’s emphasis on the individual is relevant today, we don’t need Captain Obvious as our source of repetition.
HTC does a good job of emphasizing “you,” but does so in a new way. Traditionally, ads have said something along the lines of “which means more ____ for YOU!” or “giving YOU more time for _____.” What HTC does it illustrate these things in action. Instead of saying (at 0:25) “leaving you worry-free,” for example, this ad shows the woman worrying. This humanizes the voiceover, and shows just the alternative instead of the alternative and the solution. In other words, instead of weighing the bad (worrying) and the good (being worry-free) side by side, this commercial implies the good by using the bad. Captain Obvious is nowhere to be found.
Aside from all that, the music and voiceover are bouncy. The commercial moves quickly but isn’t forced. And most of all, the punch line at the end is flawless. The entire spot leads into the tagline and then the company is introduced creatively with “…and we, are HTC.”
Carlsberg: Bathtub – NAY
Aside from the awkwardness of this print ad, creating something like this is risky because it can easily offend women. It is somewhat similar to Snicker’s 2007 Superbowl ad where the offensiveness isn’t completely there, but it’s to the point where it shouldn’t have made it past the creative director.
This Carlsberg ad could have gone in so many directions. The concept itself has legs. In fact, I briefly remade it (see below) with the same strategy in mind. Excuse the visuals.